Once the user logs into Lync, the image should show up quickly to others observing that user via Lync. Lync seems to notice the image change very quickly, with the exception that the Lync image does not show up when a user is offline with Lync.Outlook Online may cache the image, but doesn’t seem to for very long (several seconds is the longest I have seen).The Outlook client can cache images, so you may need to exit Outlook and restart it to see an updated image, but I have seen this change quickly as well.Images can be cached by browses, so SharePoint search results could show a cached image (and I have observed this), but it appears that the people picker URL has a timestamp so it may not be subject to any browser caching.Here are the caveats for when images are changed form the SharePoint profile page (My Site): When a user changes his/her profile image from SharePoint Online, it is immediately available in Outlook and Lync. But this part can get confusing, so let’s continue… If you make a change in Outlook or Lync, it may not show up in SharePoint.At that point, the story should be better. Yammer should move towards one identity in the summer of 2014, I understand.

Profile image synchronization between Yammer and SharePoint/Outlook/Lync does not exist (unless maybe Yammer can do a sync from AD – I didn’t look into that). What is odd, and the reason I feel compelled to discuss this, is that a user’s profile image is not necessarily synchronized everywhere you see it. The first 5 above are done by the user themselves, whereas Set-UserPhoto would be run by an administrator and DirSync is a background process. DirSync (if synchronizing AD thumbnail images).There are also several ways a user’s photo can be changed: People Picker Field (configured to show the profile image).There are several ways that users can view their profile image or somebody else’s profile image: So, the purpose of this post is to shed some light on how this works today. But, it turns out that they are not and that the rules for how these images are synchronized across the various data stores is a little complicated. If these images were stored in a single location, this would not be a problem. In O365 there are a plethora of ways to view and configure user profile images. Background of User Photo Sync Behavior in Microsoft 365